Dance, Sing, and Jump Around!
Join in a lively time for folks of all ages. Enjoy fun line dances, circle dances and singing games, all taught step-by-step. No experience necessary. Live music! Healthy snacks provided.
Here's a really great article about the series from the front page of the Barre Montpelier Times Argus. See photos from our December dance here.
DONATE! We now have official non-profit status, so you can make a tax- deductible donation to the dance. To see how, click here. Thank you!
Upcoming dances- all Sundays at 3-4:30 PM:
March 9
April 13
Masks are optional. Do not attend if you have symptoms of flu or COVID.
Capital City Grange- Route 12 (Northfield Road) just south of the I-89 overpass
Free for children
Suggested donation: $5 per adult
NO ONE turned away!
Adults are encouraged to dance and play with their children- the more participation, the more fun we all have!